Sunday, 8 April 2018

My "Catelaine"

This is my very of a Chatelaine - a Catelaine! I made it way back in 1999 for a Chatelaine - sorry Catelaine - for a challenge for the Southern Cross Quilters (a great Australsian on - line quilt group) retreat in 1999 in Hobart, Tasmania. I was very nervous, as it was the first challenge I had ever taken part in. Of course a beautiful, intricately made Chatelaine won, but no-one thought mine was dreadful, and I have gone on to win a challenge or two over the years.

I tried to include the whole Catelaine in this photo. We were obliged to use the Southern Cross Quilters logo on our entry. I managed it twice, inckuding the little cat's dress (look at her carefully - much more will be revealed later). As you can see there are many little catpockets for sewing implements. It is actually quite useful!

Close up of the head./pin cushion. the front paws and the snazzy bow tie. A Catelaine must be well dressed.

 Note the back end of the cat! The other two paws and a tail, and, of course, its neat little suffolk puff arse!!!

 Look carefully at the back of the Catelaine. There is a little piece of elastic. It contained a small bottle of whisky as a bribe to the judges. It didn't work - perhaps I should have used gin!

Look at this naughty little cat on the side of the Catelaine. It is flashing its bits, with the aid of press studs to open up its dress and use its tummy as a needle holder.

Last - here is Lady Penelope taking extremem interest in the Catelaine - to the extent that she is covering her eyes. Never mind, she might be more impresed with the Artisan Cows (you know them Andy Warholstein, Moonet, Milk van Gough, Frida Cowlo, Salvudder Dairy and all the rest of the famous talented Cow painters).
Bye for now,
On a beautiful warm autumn day in Melbourne, Australia